Knee Replacement Surgery Treatment

Before considering knee replacement, Dr. Grondel will conduct a complete evaluation and explore non-surgical options.

Significant improvements in surgical materials and techniques in the past few years have greatly increased the effectiveness & patient satisfaction with this procedure. More than 90% of individuals who undergo total replacement experience a dramatic reduction of knee pain and a significant improvement in the ability to perform common activities of daily living. But total knee replacement will not make you a super-athlete or allow you to do more than you could before you developed arthritis.

What Can Help Knee Problems?

Depending on your situation Dr Grondel might recommend anti-inflammatory medication, steroid injections, brace, physical therapy, etc.

Seek treatment as soon as possible, especially if you hear a popping noise and feel your knee give out at the time of injury, have severe pain, cannot move the knee, begin limping, or have swelling at the injury site. Proper diagnosis will lead to appropriate care and treatment.

When is Knee Replacement Surgery an Option?

You should start to consider knee replacement surgery when you have exhausted all other forms of treatment and your pain has started to interfere with everyday activities. In addition to helping your pain Dr Grondel will use digital imaging to determine if there is damage to your tendons and joints.

Most replacement patients are age 60 to 80, but orthopedic surgeons evaluate patients individually. Recommendations for surgery are based on a patient’s pain and disability, not age. Total knee replacements have been performed successfully at all ages, from the young teenager with juvenile arthritis to the elderly patient with degenerative arthritis.

Following surgery, you will be advised to avoid some types of activity, including jogging and high-impact sports, for the rest of your life. With appropriate activity modification, your replacement can last for many years.

Knee Replacement Success Story:

My primary doctor felt that my both knees were in need of a total knee replacement. He sent me to Dr .R. Jeffrey Grondel at the Orthopedic Institute of Henderson .  My first appointment was almost four years ago. My first meeting with Dr Grondel was great.  He was pleasant, very professional and always smiling.  One thing I completely appreciated was that he sat down and  paid attention to every thing I had to say, he listened.  He explained the knee replacement operation & even had a video showing all the important steps.. There was never a time I didn’t feel he was trying to make sure I would have the best care, and to answer any questions I had.  I was 68 years old at the time of my first knee surgery.  He was so incredibly thorough. He had my heart tested to be sure I could stand the operation.  Then because I had had a tooth issue he sent me to my dentist to be sure all my teeth were taken care of so no infections would enter my blood stream.   I didn’t realize just how important that is.  Thorough is what he is, and I am grateful everyday that he has been my Orthopedic Doctor.

I had my left knee completed first and came through with flying colors. I have never had an unanswered question. .He was always calm & explained everything .  The fact that my first knee surgery went so well I had my right knee completed about 3 months later.  Again, there were no complications, and everything went very very well.  I feel my recovery went so well, because he made sure I understood everything, and I followed all the guidelines he gave me.  In late 2015 my right knee started having trouble due to an injury I incurred.  I was going to need to have Dr. Grondel re-do my knee.  No one looks forward to more surgeries, but if you are going to need one, you really need to have a doctor that you trust with your life, that you like and feel that this relationship is a good one for doctor/patient.  He was great again.  I was 6’3″ when this all started and so incredibly bowlegged it was unreal.  When this was all done, I am now 6’4″, because my legs are no longer bowlegged, they are straight, and I am an inch taller.  I am back to living a full life of good health, of being able to do things I used to love to do, like riding a bike, a little running now and then, and just overall feeling great.  I would highly recommend this great Doctor to anyone who needs a knee replacement or anything in the Orthopedic needs.  Amazing.   He gave me my life back, and I will be grateful for his care, his bedside manner, his professionalism and everything about him, and his staff.  He has an amazing staff.  They represent him in a very positive manner.

Thank You, Dr. Grondel

Your path to feeling better begins with an evaluation with Dr. Grondel.